Monday 16 May 2011

So whats it all about then??

As a kid I always wanted a diary, many a time I started one but never continued. So is this what blogging is?? Is this a new form of a diary only instead of being your personal feelings and thoughts kept private it is instead shared by anyone who cares to look at it? What is it about other peoples lives that makes us so interested that we want to know the little details and yet at no point would we go up to the people we 'follow' and ask outright questions about those private matters. It is weird to think anyone could look at your blog and feel they know you without actually having a clue who you truly are.
Well me who am I??? Do you know I dont think I actually know, I am aware of the many roles I play. I am mum to four gorgeous, cheeky, full of personality children. Young enough to still want and need me but old enough to also drive me insane sometimes. I am a cleaner, actually more like I attempt to clean but in a small hous with 6 people and numerous pets I am sometimes outdone!!! I can be a taxi driver, waitress,chef,nurse,lover,wife and mother.
When those caps are discarded who am I though?? I am.....I just am, thats all. Maybe when I grow up I will find out ;-)